New Scientist

Image: Haney and Uyeno

Hagfish literally tie themselves in knots to escape a tricky situation – and that includes tying their bodies into complicated three-twist knots.

In many ways, hagfish are extraordinary. They are long, eel-like marine animals that carry far more blood relative to their body volume than any other fish, have four hearts – and only half a jaw.

 It is partly because of this last feature that it is so useful for hagfish to tie knots in their long bodies. When the animal ties a knot at its tail end and slips it along the body to the head, it forms a broad flat surface that the hagfish’s upper jaw can work against, creating a makeshift lower jaw. Slipping a thick body knot along its body can also help a hagfish pull its head out of a tight spot if it gets stuck during hunting or feeding. But although we have known for decades that hagfish tie themselves in knots, it has been difficult to confirm what types of knot they tie. Read more on new…